Doa Bahasa Inggris Pulang Sekolah

Hello, Sobat Ilyas!

Pulang sekolah adalah momen yang menyenangkan bagi setiap siswa. Setelah berjam-jam belajar di kelas, akhirnya bisa bertemu dengan keluarga dan menikmati waktu santai di rumah. Namun, sebelum memulai perjalanan pulang, ada baiknya kita berdoa terlebih dahulu agar perjalanan kita aman dan lancar. Berikut adalah doa bahasa Inggris pulang sekolah yang bisa Sobat Ilyas baca:

1. In the name of Allah, I start my journey home. Please guide me and protect me from any harm. Amen.

2. Dear God, I pray for a safe journey home. Please bless the road and the vehicle that I will ride. Amen.

3. O Lord, I ask for your protection as I travel back home. Please keep me safe from accidents and other dangers. Amen.

4. Almighty God, I thank you for the knowledge that I have gained today. Please help me to apply it in my daily life. Amen.

5. O Allah, please protect me from any bad influences that I may encounter on my way home. Amen.

6. Dear God, please guide me in making the right decisions as I journey back home. Amen.

7. Allah, I ask for your mercy and blessings as I travel home. Please keep my family and loved ones safe as well. Amen.

8. Oh God, please bless me with patience and tolerance as I face the challenges of the road. Amen.

9. O Lord, I seek your guidance and protection as I journey back home. Please help me to be a good example to others. Amen.

10. Almighty God, please give me the strength and courage to face any difficulties that may come my way. Amen.

11. Dear Allah, please forgive me for my mistakes and shortcomings. Help me to be a better person as I journey back home. Amen.

12. O God, please bless my family and loved ones with good health and happiness. Amen.

13. Allah, I pray for a smooth and safe journey home. Please help me to arrive at my destination safely. Amen.

14. Dear God, please bless me with wisdom and knowledge as I continue to learn and grow. Amen.

15. O Lord, please protect me from any bad weather conditions that may cause harm to me while traveling back home. Amen.

16. Almighty God, please help me to be grateful for the blessings that I have received today. Amen.

17. Dear Allah, please guide me in making the right choices as I journey back home. Amen.

18. Oh God, please bless me with good companionship as I travel back home. Amen.

19. Allah, please protect me from any negative energy or harm that may come my way. Amen.

20. Dear God, please help me to arrive home safely and with a peaceful heart. Amen.


Doa bahasa Inggris pulang sekolah tersebut bisa Sobat Ilyas baca sebelum memulai perjalanan pulang. Selain itu, jangan lupa untuk selalu berhati-hati di jalan dan mengikuti peraturan lalu lintas. Semoga perjalanan pulang Sobat Ilyas selalu aman dan lancar. Sampai jumpa kembali di artikel menarik lainnya!