Contoh Postcard Bahasa Inggris

Hello, Sobat Ilyas!

Apakah Sobat Ilyas sedang mencari contoh postcard bahasa Inggris? Jika iya, Sobat Ilyas berada di tempat yang tepat! Postcard atau kartu pos merupakan salah satu cara yang efektif untuk mengirimkan pesan kepada seseorang yang sedang jauh dari kita. Selain itu, postcard juga bisa menjadi koleksi yang menarik dan berharga.Berikut ini adalah beberapa contoh postcard bahasa Inggris yang bisa Sobat Ilyas jadikan referensi:

1. Postcard dari London

“Hello from London! I’m having a great time exploring the city. The weather is a bit chilly, but the sights are amazing. Yesterday, I visited the Tower of London and it was so cool to see the Crown Jewels. Today, I’m planning to visit the British Museum. Can’t wait to see all the ancient artifacts. Miss you, and hope to see you soon!”

2. Postcard dari Paris

“Bonjour from Paris! The city of love is just as beautiful as they say. I’ve been eating croissants and drinking café au lait every morning, and it’s been amazing. Yesterday, I went to the Louvre Museum and saw the Mona Lisa. It was so crowded, but worth it. Today, I’m planning to visit the Eiffel Tower. Wish you were here to enjoy it with me. See you soon!”

3. Postcard dari New York

“Greetings from New York City! The Big Apple is so exciting, and there’s never a dull moment. Yesterday, I went to the Top of the Rock and had an amazing view of the city skyline. Today, I’m planning to visit Central Park and take a relaxing stroll. Can’t wait to see what else this city has in store for me. Miss you, and see you soon!”

4. Postcard dari Tokyo

“Konnichiwa from Tokyo! This city is so vibrant and full of energy. Yesterday, I went to the Tsukiji Fish Market and tried some delicious sushi. Today, I’m planning to visit the Shibuya Crossing and see the famous Hachiko statue. The people here are so friendly and helpful. Wish you were here to experience it with me. See you soon!”

5. Postcard dari Bali

“Om Swastiastu from Bali! This island paradise is just as beautiful as everyone says. Yesterday, I went to the Uluwatu Temple and saw the amazing sunset. Today, I’m planning to relax on the beach and do some surfing. The food here is so delicious, and the people are so friendly. Wish you were here to enjoy it with me. See you soon!”

6. Postcard dari Sydney

“G’day from Sydney! This city is so laid-back and friendly. Yesterday, I went to the Opera House and saw a great show. Today, I’m planning to visit the Bondi Beach and do some surfing. The weather here is so nice, and the scenery is so beautiful. Wish you were here to enjoy it with me. See you soon!”

7. Postcard dari Rome

“Ciao from Rome! This city is so full of history and culture. Yesterday, I went to the Colosseum and imagined what it must have been like during the gladiator games. Today, I’m planning to visit the Vatican City and see the famous Sistine Chapel. The food here is so delicious, and the people are so friendly. Wish you were here to enjoy it with me. See you soon!”

8. Postcard dari Rio de Janeiro

“Oi from Rio de Janeiro! This city is so colorful and full of life. Yesterday, I went to the Christ the Redeemer statue and saw the amazing view of the city. Today, I’m planning to visit the Copacabana Beach and do some sunbathing. The weather here is so warm, and the people are so friendly. Wish you were here to enjoy it with me. See you soon!”

9. Postcard dari Amsterdam

“Hallo from Amsterdam! This city is so cozy and charming. Yesterday, I went to the Anne Frank House and learned so much about her story. Today, I’m planning to visit the Van Gogh Museum and see his famous paintings. The food here is so delicious, and the people are so friendly. Wish you were here to enjoy it with me. See you soon!”

10. Postcard dari Barcelona

“Hola from Barcelona! This city is so beautiful and full of art. Yesterday, I went to the Park Guell and saw the amazing architecture of Gaudi. Today, I’m planning to visit the La Sagrada Familia and see the impressive cathedral. The food here is so delicious, and the people are so friendly. Wish you were here to enjoy it with me. See you soon!”


Itulah beberapa contoh postcard bahasa Inggris yang bisa Sobat Ilyas jadikan referensi. Semoga artikel ini bermanfaat bagi Sobat Ilyas yang sedang mencari contoh postcard bahasa Inggris. Jangan lupa untuk mengirimkan postcard kepada orang terdekat atau koleksi Anda sendiri. Sampai jumpa lagi di artikel menarik lainnya!